Terms & Privacy


Harvest Referral Service provides service to customers by connecting consumers to businesses for home and business service. We provide free referral services to consumers that are looking for a company to do work at their home or business. We charge a monthly or yearly fee for our business members. We get important information from all the businesses that become members with harvest referral service. We recommend that all consumers check the insurance policy of the company they choose to do work for them. Harvest Referral Service will not cover and will not be liable for any company that our customers choose to do work for them. We provide the reseach for you to choose. We do a one year contract with all of our business members. We also strive to provide companies who care about having good customer service. Our affiliates services has different terms. Harvest Referral Service has the right to change it terms at anytime.


Harest Referral Service will always keep business owners and consumers information private. Any payments thru our service will be kept private. Also we are a Christian company and believe in sharing the gospel with others. Our company provides Bible scriptures and Bible resources for the public. We are not a nonprofit but a company that believe in working for the Lord. If you have and questions or concern go to our contact page and leave a message or email us. Thank You.

Email: harvestreferralservice@yahoo.com